Background of the kite is all about 300 years old. Moreover, this is the oldest method of aircraft. It originated / invented in China about 300 years ago. Through the Han dynasty (2000 B.C to 200 A.D), the Chinese military utilized to attach bamboo pipes into the kite. The passing of wind throughout the pipes creates a whistling sound which caused enemy troops to panic and flee. So, kites had important role in classical Chinese army.
KickFire Kadavu is known as following a beautiful bird. The name "Kite" is produced by the graceful and soaring bird, the kite. It is the combination of many things. Kites can be produced from paper, light wood, leaves, cloth and also other lighter materials for instance synthetics, plastics, nylon, fiberglass etc. Bamboo, light wood, aluminum and reeds can be used making the frame of kite. Frame in the kite is a vital and depending factor. Another most critical ingredient of it is string or line (locally known as manja). Cotton is the most appropriate ingredient for making in the string or line, though nylon and polyester could also be used. However, nylon and polyester is fairly dangerous as well as prohibited in Pakistan. Most popularly, kites are flown for recreational, scientific research and military purposes.
Flying of kites are not important for everyone, however, it is actually definitely something that we enjoy and can relate with numerous ways. The mother and father buy kites for his or her children with their vacations. Several of the kites are extremely big and they are from the shape of a sharks and snakes. These kites have really long tails that whips inside the wind too. Recently, there is a revival of kite festivals across. One can possibly see fascinating designs of colorful kites of several sizes and shapes during such festivals. Some of the countries like Pakistan, China, Japan, India and Thailand have such festivals on regular baises. These have triggered innovations in the design of kites just like the box, bowed, delta and dragon etc. Its lovers have established clubs and organize competitions of kite flying.
Technique behind Kite
It is actually interesting to find out how kites fly. A combination of force, drag and gravity keeps it from the air. It must be flown in a way that its angle from the wind, referred to as angle of attack, provides maximum lift to conquer both drag and gravity. The angle of attack can be controlled by one or more short lines referred to as bridles. Flying of kite is indeed simple and amazing. The wind lift it up in the air quickly. Should there be enough string to permit, the kite goes as high as it wish to go. It got a bit harder to control within the air because the wind kept it tugging. It was so peaceful to simply watch it sway forward and backward in the breeze.